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Best Pokemon Go Joystick Hack in 2024

time 5 minutes read

The thrill of catching Pokémon in different parts of the world has always been a major pull for Pokémon GO players. However, not everyone has the luxury of traveling or roaming around to locate these virtual creatures. This is where the allure of the Pokémon GO joystick hack comes in. This hack allows players to virtually move around the Pokémon GO, making it easier to catch rare Pokémon, visit PokéStops, and participate in battles without leaving the comfort of their homes. It’s a tempting solution for those wanting to enjoy the game on a whole new level.

Can I Still Use Pokémon GO Joystick Hack in 2024?

Yes, you can. While it’s true that Pokémon GO has consistently released updates to deter and detect cheats, the joystick hack has proven resilient. There are still versions of the Pokémon GO joystick hack that can bypass the game’s security measures, but it’s essential to tread carefully. Using any hack comes with the risk of being detected and possibly facing consequences such as account suspensions or bans. Always ensure that you’re using a trusted and updated version of the joystick hack and be aware of the potential risks involved. Remember, while it’s fun to have advantages, the true spirit of Pokémon GO is in exploration and adventure.

Best Pokémon GO Joystick Hack in 2024 [iOS & Android]

Navigating the expansive territory of Pokémon GO can be challenging, especially when you’re tied down to a particular location or want to hatch eggs without taking a real-world stroll. Ever wondered how to fake steps in Pokémon GO? Introducing FonesGo Location Changer, a powerful tool that can mimic in-game movement from the comfort of your couch. With the help from this tool, players can now traverse the virtual Pokémon landscape, hatch eggs, and enjoy a more relaxed approach to their Pokémon adventures.

Key Features of FonesGo Location Changer

Wide Compatibility: Whether you’re an iPhone enthusiast or an Android aficionado, FonesGo Location Changer has got you covered.

Real-time Joystick Movement:: Effortlessly move around the virtual world with the integrated joystick feature.

Teleportation: Instantly transport your character to different locations, making it easier to catch rare Pokémon.

Safe and Undetectable: Designed to bypass Pokémon Go’s security measures, ensuring you won’t get banned.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fake walk on Pokémon Go using FonesGo Location Changer:

  1. Step 1 Download FonesGo Location Changer and launch the software. Click on the “start” button on the main interface. From the available options, select the specific device you’re using.
  2. pokemon go joystick hack

  3. Step 2 Click on the “Teleport” option. Enter the location you wish to teleport to in the provided search bar. Click “Search” to find and confirm the location.
  4. search address fonesgo location changer

  5. Step 3 Once your desired location appears, click on the “Go” button. Your character will then be teleported to the specified location within Pokémon GO.
  6. teleport to new place fonesgo location changer

  7. Step 4 Use the joystick feature to navigate and walk around in the game, allowing you to explore the area, catch Pokémon, and engage with PokéStops.

joystick mode fonesgo location changer

Pokémon Go Joystick Hack that Still Work in 2024 [Android Only]

As Pokémon GO continues to evolve, so do the tools and hacks that players employ to gain an edge in the game. For Android users, there’s no shortage of tools to simulate movement in the virtual Pokémon game. If you’re wondering about the best Pokémon GO hack with joystick android specific, here are two stand-out options:

1: Fake GPS Location

Fake GPS Location stands as a reliable and easy-to-use app for Android users wanting to fake their GPS location in Pokémon GO. This app tricks the game into thinking you’re at a different spot, allowing you to capture region-specific Pokémon or simply play from the comfort of your home.

fake gps location

Steps to Use:

  1. Step 1: Download and install ‘Fake GPS Location’ from the Google Play Store.
  2. Step 2: In your Android settings, navigate to ‘Developer Options’ and set ‘Fake GPS Location’ as your default mock location app.
  3. Step 3: Launch the app and choose your desired location on the map.
  4. Step 4: Open Fake GPS Free and enter the location you want to simulate. Click ‘Start’ to enable the fake GPS.
  5. Step 5: Open Pokémon GO, and your character will appear at the selected location.

2: PGSharp

PGSharp takes the Pokémon GO experience to the next level by not only allowing you to change your location but also incorporating an in-built joystick. This lets players walk around the Pokémon world without physically moving, making tasks like hatching eggs or visiting PokéStops a breeze.

joystick hack pgsharp

Steps to Use:

  1. Step 1: Visit the PGSharp official website and download the APK.
  2. Step 2: nstall the APK on your Android device, ensuring you have given the necessary permissions for installation from unknown sources.
  3. Step 3: Launch PGSharp and log in to your Pokémon GO account.
  4. Step 4: Use the integrated map to select your desired location and teleport.
  5. Step 5: Utilize the joystick feature to navigate and walk around in the game.

Tips for Pokémon GO Joystick Hack

Can you get banned for using a Pokémon GO joystick?

Yes, using a joystick hack or any form of spoofing tool in Pokémon GO can lead to a temporary or even permanent ban. If caught, players could face various penalties, ranging from soft bans (temporary) to permanent account termination. Therefore, it’s important to use effective tools like FonesGo Location Changer and use it with care.

How to bypass cooldown Pokémon GO spoofing?

Cooldown in Pokémon GO refers to the time you should wait before performing another action after teleporting to a new place. The best way to bypass this is to respect the cooldown times based on the distance you’ve “traveled”. For instance, if you teleport a short distance, wait a few minutes. For longer distances, it’s safer to wait up to 2 hours. It’s best to mimics real-world travel times and reduces the chance of being flagged.

How to get unbanned from Pokémon Go 2024?

If you’ve faced the unfortunate circumstance of being banned, consider the following steps:

  • First Offense: Often, the first ban is temporary. Wait it out, usually 7 days.
  • Appeal: If it’s a more extended ban, you can appeal through the Niantic support page, explaining the situation and promising adherence to terms in the future.
  • Clean Your Device: Before reassessing the game, ensure you’ve removed all third-party apps or tools that violate Pokémon Go’s terms of service.


Pokémon GO players are continually seeking methods to enhance their gaming experience. While there are multiple tools available for Android and iOS users, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks, such as temporary suspensions or bans. Among the various solutions, the Pokémon Go joystick hack stands out as a popular choice. For those searching for a reliable and efficient tool, we recommend the FonesGo Location Changer. Not only does it offer seamless teleportation and real-time joystick movement, but it’s also designed to be safe and undetectable, minimizing risks while maximizing enjoyment. Play smart, trainers!

Jesse Walker is a senior editor at FonesGo with extensive experience in writing articles on technology and gaming. Besides being an accomplished editor, Jesse is also an avid gamer who enjoys helping others enhance their gaming experiences and has assisted countless users by providing solutions to their gaming-related issues.
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